How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date?

“When does e-Juice go bad or expire?” “How long can I store my e-Liquid?” “How to check the expiration date?” These are some of the questions customers frequently ask about their e-Liquid expiration date. Actually, FDA has an official guide to help us fully understand the e-Liquid expiration date.

FDA Rule

In the E-Liquid industry, we have a large number of brands. Some of them provide an expiration date on the bottle, but some don’t. This is because the FDA does NOT require manufacturers to place any date on the product. Placing BB Date is the discretion of manufacturers. Luckily, more and more vape eJuice brands are improving their labeling. Customer will be able to find the BB date on most eJuice Bottle now. However, different manufacturers may have different expiration date format; and they may mark the date in a mysterious location… In this blog, we will show you the most common eJuice expiration date format, and how to find them!

How To Find and Recognize the BB (Best Before) Date

How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date

MM/YYYY – “12/2020”

This one is easy to understand, but it may be difficult to find… It shows that the E-Liquid expires in December 2020.

Example brands: Barista Brew Co. E-Liquid | Humble E-Liquid | The Milkman E-Liquid | Hustle E-Liquid

How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date

MM/YY – “07/20”

People mostly get confused about this type of date listed, such as the Naked 100 Ejuice. It actually shows that the E-Liquid expires on July 2020, NOT July 20th.

Example brands: Naked 100 E-Liquid | 7 Daze E-Liquid | Air Factory E-Liquid | BLVK E-Liquid | Pachamama E-Liquid | Vapetasia E-Liquid

How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date

MM-DD-YY – “06-26-20” “12/26/20” “041621”

The easiest one to recognize. It shows the E-Liquid expires on month-date-year. June 26th, 2020.

Example brands: AQUA E-Liquid | Candy King | I Love Salts E-Liquid | Cloud Nurdz E-Liquid | Yami Vapor E-Liquid | Rounds E-Liquid | Loaded E-Liquid

How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date

Month Year – “MAY 2021”

This type of date is the clearest one. It shows month and year without any confusion. Obviously, the e-Juice is going to expire in May 2021.

Example Brands: TWIST E-Liquid

How To Check Your eJuice Expiration Date

BBMMDDYY# – “BB0528203”

This is especially shown on Keep It 100 E-Liquid Bottle. It means the eJuice expires on May 28th, 2020.

Instead of telling you the e-liquid expiration date directly, some brands provide the production date. For example, One Hit Wonder labels the MFG (Manufacturing) Date on the bottom of the bottle. MFG MM/DD/YY – “MFG 12/18/18” It tells the eJuice is manufactured on December 18th, 2018.

So, how to know how long the eJuice can last when given the its “date of birth”? According to the established 2 years shelf life of Nicotine, PG and VG, most e-Liquid can last up to 2 years if stored in the correct conditions. As we mentioned earlier, most brands just get to label the BB date or the MFG date recently. Even the most well-known brand Naked 100, you can only find the BB date on the newest packaging. How to know your current ejuice stock that doesn’t come with any date is still fresh or not? We have some tips for you.

How to check whether my e-Juice expired?

  • If the sediment of the e-liquid is not mixing after shaking, the e-Juice might be expired.
  • If the e-Juice smells strange, it’s time to throw it away. However, this doesn’t apply to all e-Liquid.
  • If the color changes significantly, you probably shouldn’t vape it anymore.

If any of the above sign occurs, it means your e-Juice is expired or not in a good condition, and you may not continue vaping it. Anyway, we believe that more e-liquid companies will provide a suggested date in the near future, creating a more hassle-free vaping environment.

How to Store Your E-Liquid?

The last topic would be how to properly store my favorite eJuice if I cannot consume within a short time. Most e-Liquid can last for 1 – 2 years if stored in the correct conditions. What are the right requirements for storing your E-Liquid?

  • Avoid High Temperature and Sunlight Area. There is one thing you must keep in mind. E-Liquid has to store in a dry, room temperature and dark place to avoid break down, which helps the e-Juice last longer.
  • Tightly Sealed Your E-Liquid. The oxygen is also what E-Liquid doesn’t like, same as the high temperature and sunlight. The oxygen will cause the loss of nicotine of E-Liquid. You can’t prevent all oxygen into the bottle, but it can somehow delay the expiration.

If you can follow the above tips, your e-juice will last a decent amount time even though you have opened it!


For E-Liquid which has BB Date on the bottle, we suggest following the date listed. For the rest of the E-Liquid which doesn’t have any expiration information, to get the best flavor and vaping experience, our general recommendation is one year. Besides, we strongly recommend checking your E-Liquid status before vaping.

If you find any new type of e-Juice expiration date or any errors, please feel free to contact us for updating your findings.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

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